Their Fight is Our Fight

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Volunteer Organization Serving Texas

We rescue animals from the street, pull animals from local shelters and accept owner surrenders. AARF Houston not only rescues, rehabilitates and rehomes these animals; we also provide support to our Veterans and low income community to vaccinate, spay and neuter their family pets. Contact us for more information.

We specialize in animals that have been hurt, or are ill. Our army of veterinarians are some of the best and step up to help when we find an animal in need. AARF Houston has worked with some of the best Veterinarians in Texas. Some of our rescued dogs participated in a blood donor program to provide life sustaining blood and plasma. Our Orthopedic surgeons have repaired broken legs, hips and faces. We have several dogs with successful hip replacements. We have an unbeatable success rate for Parvo and Distemper. Of course, our vets provide every day care for our rescued animals as well. It takes a team!

Our mission is to help as many forgotten, broken and neglected dogs find a home as humanly possible. We willingly volunteer our time, blood, sweat and tears to make sure they are rehabilitated and given a chance at happiness. No breed is turned away. No case is too severe. We are their healing hands.

“Their Fight is our Fight”.

Texas has an animal homeless problem. In 2023, it was estimated that there were over 1 million homeless animals in Texas with 3.1 million nationwide. Non Profit Rescue Groups are an integral part of the solution. We rescue animals from the street, pull from local shelters and accept owner surrenders. AARF Houston not only rescues and rehomes these animals, we also provide community support to spay and neuter families that are in need of help.

We specialize in animals that have been hurt, or are ill. Our army of veterinarians are some of the best and step up to help when we find an animal in need. AARF Houston has worked with some of the best orthopedic surgeons to provide hip replacements, cure Parvo and distemper, and provide basic health care. Some of our rescued dogs participated in a blood donor program to provide life sustaining blood and plasma.

In order for AARF Houston to help these abandoned animals, we need donations, sponsors and dedicated volunteers. Please consider fostering, adopting, fund raising, donating, transporting.

Join our Team – It takes a village.

Link to our Adoption/Foster Application is:

Our Mission

Our mission is to help many forgotten, broken, and neglected dogs find a home as humanly possible. We willingly volunteer our time, blood, sweat, and tears to make sure they are rehabilitated and given a chance at happiness. No breed is turned away. No case is too severe. We are their healing hands.

© 2024, Adopt A Rescued Friend, Inc (aka AARFHouston). All Rights Reserved.